    2BAC : Writing 59648810

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات staretude للتعليم
المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى

مع تحيات الإدارة
    2BAC : Writing 59648810

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات staretude للتعليم
المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى

مع تحيات الإدارة
السوق العربي للحيوانات
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  منتديات ستار الدراسة التعليمية :: التعليم الثانوي بالمغرب :: السنة الثانية باكالوريا

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 مستوى الأولى بكالوريا
 مستوى جذع مشترك   مستوى الثانوي الإعدادي
 البحوت و التحضيرات الدراسية  
مساحة اعلانية مدفوعة :
مساحة اعلانية مدفوعة :

قم بالاعجاب بالصفحة لمتابعة جديد اخبار النتائج والامتحانات

2BAC : Writing

المدير العام
المدير العام
عدد المساهمات : 651
نقاط : 6097
مُساهمةعنوان المشاركة: 2BAC : Writing    2BAC : Writing I_icon_minitimeمرسل: الأحد أغسطس 14, 2011 12:36 pm

is membership in a society, community, city or town but now usually a country and carries with it to political participation; a person having such membership is a citizen. Citizenship status often implies some responsibilities and duties. It is largely coterminous with nationality although it is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen legally subject to a state and entitled to its protection without having rights of political participation in it); it is also possible to have political rights without being a national of a state. In most nations, a non-citizen is a non-national and called either a foreigner or an alien Citizenship ,
is membership in a society, community, city or
town but now usually a country and carries with it to political participation; a person having such membership is a citizen. Citizenship status often implies some responsibilities and duties. It is largely coterminous with nationality although it is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen legally subject to a state and entitled to its protection without having rights of political participation in it); it is also possible to have political rights without being a national of a state. In most nations, a non-citizen is a non-national and called either a foreigner or an alien Citizenship,
Financial crisis

الأزمة المالية

The financial repercussions of the crisis resulting from the mortgage crisis, which surfaced in 2007 because of the failure of millions of borrowers to buy houses and real estate in the United States to pay their debts to banks.
This led to a crisis for the American economy, reaching consequences to the economies of Europe and Asia in the process of throwing out a large number of major banks and international financial institutions.
Failed by the hundreds of billions of dollars pumped into global financial markets to put an end to the crisis in mortgages, which has been brewing beneath the surface, even evolved into a global financial crisis, has made no secret of many officials fear that the global economic systems DASHES up and its implications to many parts of the world.
What is the swine flu

نفلونزا الخنازير

Disease, swine flu and severe acute respiratory disease, infects pigs and is caused by one or more of the swine flu virus type A. This is a disease, usually of high morbidity rates and low mortality rates (1% -4%). And spreading the virus between pigs through the mist and direct contact, indirect and pigs turned out to be non-disease symptoms. And records of outbreaks of the disease in pigs throughout the year, with a high incidence in the autumn and winter seasons in temperate regions. And many countries tend to vaccinate pigs against the swarms of the disease is routinely

When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines .
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. So how come people are still lighting up !
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Traffic problems

مشاكل المرور
There are many dangers when driving in a big city , traffic jams , road rage, carjacking drive-by- shootings ,smash-and-grabs , accidents or purpose ambulance chasers , corrupt police , touring ,companies that can grab your car in ten seconds .the list goes on .
Traffic jams are caused by drivers who tailgate and try to drive faster than the flow of traffic , when drivers merge at the last second , they have to step on their brakes , and that causes the tailgaters behind them to step on their brakes , roads rage occurs when someone loses self-control , some driver is going too fast , this causes a clash , there are many reasons behind the traffic jams problem .
The latter can also be attributed to the road code, violation , speed and carelessness , other reasons such as natural factors are involved ,snow , obscurity, and rain are most of them , one other cause is the poor infra-structure .
Understanding these very real dangers will help you learn how to avoid or prevent traffic problems .drivers should drive safely and learn to maintain self-control , the driver should be a street-wise so that he can take the necessary precautions
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منتديات ستار الدراسة التعليمية :: التعليم الثانوي بالمغرب :: السنة الثانية باكالوريا-

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