2BAC : Writing 59648810

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات staretude للتعليم
المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى

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2BAC : Writing 59648810

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات staretude للتعليم
المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى

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  منتديات ستار الدراسة التعليمية :: التعليم الثانوي بالمغرب :: السنة الثانية باكالوريا

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2BAC : Writing

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مُساهمةعنوان المشاركة: 2BAC : Writing2BAC : Writing I_icon_minitimeمرسل: السبت أغسطس 20, 2011 5:20 am

subjects (1): Televisionالتلفزة :

TV:advantages and disadvantages:

Here is the first part of a composition about TV:Read it and complete the compossition:

is one of the most popular ways to spend our time. Nowadays ,more and
more peopleand particularly teenagers spend twice as much time in front
of the TV than reading books or playing games outside. As far as I know
,there is a great variety of opinions about television: some say that
it’s very useful, and the others that it’s harmful. I would like to
mention some positive aspects.
In the first place, it keeps people
informed. There is news, which inform us about the events which
happeni all around the world. Besides, advertisements on TV give us more
information about the new products and goods in the
subjects (2): obesity :

is considered today as a disease.Write an article to your school
magazine stating some of its causes- like bad eating habits_ and effects
and suggest some ideas to get rid of it.subjects (3): Immigration :

large number of Moroccan people have emigrated to Europe or
Canada.Write an article to your school magazine stating thereasons why
people emigrate and listing the problems theu may face in the host
country.subjects (4): Working woman :

some people believe that a
mother should not work.Others argue against it.Write an article to a
newspaper and consider the problems a working mother faces and give your

Suggested essay:

Nowadays it is important for women to work outside the home because of
economic reasons.Yet; this idea is still debated by many people. Some
people argue that the family, especially small children, may be
neglected. I believe that every woman has the right to work, but she
should carefully consider the many problems she might encounter.

The major problems a working woman faces concern her children. She
must either find a reliable person to look after them or a nursery
school that the children can attend. But the big problem is that when
the mother is at work, she may worry about her children. She may wonder
if they are safe, if they are learning good values, and if her absence
is hurting them emotionally.
After a mother takes into
consideration all these problems above and perhaps other problems, she
must decide if a job outside home is worth it.
I believe that in spite of all these obstacles, many mothers do work and manage a family successfully.
In Conclusion, it is a woman’s right to make this choice and only
the woman herself should decide this matter.subjects (5): pollution :
in technology and sicience have solved many problems.However,they have
also created new problems:The most serious is the problem of pollution.
Write an article showing some causes of this problem and give your opinion on how to deal with it.

Suggested essay:
technology has brought many conveniences to facilitate our
life.However,these same advancements in technology and science have
caused some dangerous problems. The most hazardous of all of them is
Our land, air and water are all polluted. Perhaps the
most serious threat to our planet is the loss of the ozone layer and the
warming of the earth’s atmosphere which are due to carbon dioxide
emissions from factories. Besides, the chemicals we use for cleaning and
chemical wastes from factories go into our water systems and pollute
the water we drink and the fish we eat. They also kill much of the
wildlife we need for our food.
In conclusion, these problems are
growing daily because people don’t want to change their lifestyle.
People need to be educated so they will stop damaging our planet.
should take actions to prevent individuals and companies from harming
their environment.subjects (6): Morocco and its culture:

is very rich culturally. It has many dialects and traditions which
differ from one region to another. The more we move towards the center ,
the north, the south , the west or the east things start to change.
This difference is what makes our country attractive and a destination
for millions of tourists every year. Morocco offers numerous delicious
dishes and comfortable hotels available everywhere. Another advantage is
the suitable weather that appeals to foreign visitors from the five
continents. The Moroccan people are tolerant, generous and ready to give
a helping hand to the needy. They welcome their guests and try their
best to make their stay as enjoyable as possible.subjects (7):
Empowering women and development:

Women have for so long been
likened to slaves, created just to serve and execute men’s orders. In
some cultures, they were considered as a part of the furniture of the
house. The situation is not as acute as it used to be. However, girls in
some parts of the world are still unable to go to school because life
in the countryside needs help even from children. Thus, illiteracy is so
prevailing in rural areas. It undoubtedly affects development and
prosperity. As a result, the government has launched many campaigns
aiming at fighting this problem which is an obstacle in the integration
of women in the development of the Moroccan society.
Women in all
parts of the world have struggled so as to get a place in the sun. The
fruit of this hard work has been the family code. Many claim that it’s a
triumph for Moroccan women. Others, however, believe that it has
complicated things and has widened the gap between men and women.. The
point is that women need more rights to be able to efficiently
contribute to the welfare of the society. For this reason, we witness
today their emergence in political parties and organizations to raise up
their voices against gender discrimination within the same society.
subjects (8): Why do children leave school?:

Write an article to your school magazine showing some of the reasons and the effects of this problem.
Suggested article:

of the biggest issues that some families encounter is their children's
dropping out of school. This is due to many reasons. First, most
children who live in rural areas can't attend school regularly because
it is situated far away from where they live. Their parents also need
them to help with the housework. Another reason is that poor families
can't afford to provide their children with all what they need for
school, as books and school things are getting expensive. The problem is
also due to family problems and divorce. Children can't study when
parents often have rows. In cities, small children leave school early to
go out to work and support their deprived families. As a result, these
poor kids get lost in the world of adults. Some become addicted to
smoking and drugs. Others turn to crime. Generally speaking, they are
victims of circumstances and are, thus, often emprisoned.
subjects (9): Brain Drain:
a pargarph showing some of the reasons why some highly skilled and
educated people leave their countriesand what effects this phenomenom
has on the home country

Suggested paragraph:
One of the most
serious issues in the world today is the brain drain phenomenon.
Thousands of intellectuals leave their native country in search for a
better life. There are many factors that breed this situation. First,
the lack of job opportunities is one of them. Moreover, the host country
offers better work conditions and ensures a comfortable life for these
new comers. This “Capital flight” as many people call it has both
positive and negative effects. It not only helps these brainy people to
improve their standards of living but it also enables them to contribute
to the development of their home country when they come back. One way
to prevent this is to offer to these people tempting salaries and
opportunities to ameliorate their potentials inside their home
country.....subjects (10): Technology :
Suggested paragraph:
technology has transformed our lives completely both physically and
morally. Every day people are assaulted by new gadgets on markets. As a
result, life is becoming more and more comfortable but complicated as
well. Unemployment is spreading because machines are taking man’s place.
Armed conflicts break out here and there due to free arm trade. More
and more refugees abandon their home land in search of peaceful
shelther. Technology is something good as long as it serves humanity.
However, when it makes a mistake, the price to pay is very high : human
lives! subjects (11): The Internet :
Suggested pargraph:
people consider the internet as one of the most important sources of
learning. It not only gives sound and picture but reading texts as well.
Besides this, it enables people of different ages to widen and enrich
their knowledge about a specific topic. The internet is a bank of
information where one can find anything he or she dreams of. Although
some people still dread using the internet, it remains a powerful and
vital means of learning............ ملحوظة : للأمانة فهو منقول بهدف الافادة

عضو جديد
عضو جديد
عدد المساهمات : 35
نقاط : 35
العمر : 34
مُساهمةعنوان المشاركة: رد: 2BAC : Writing2BAC : Writing I_icon_minitimeمرسل: السبت فبراير 04, 2012 10:06 pm

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